Pinata IPFS API Documentation Guide Overview This guide covers Pinata's IPFS API endpoints for managing content on IPFS. All API requests require bearer token authentication obtained from Base URL Authentication Include bearer token in all requests: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_PINATA_JWT File Operations Pin File to IPFS POST /pinning/pinFileToIPFS Upload and pin a file to IPFS. Request Body (multipart/form-data): - file (File, required): File to upload - pinataMetadata (object, optional): { "name": "filename.txt", "keyvalues": { "customKey": "customValue" } } - pinataOptions (object, optional): { "cidVersion": 0, "groupId": "your-group-id" } Response: { "IpfsHash": "QmHash...", "PinSize": 1234, "Timestamp": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "isDuplicate": false } Pin JSON to IPFS POST /pinning/pinJSONToIPFS Pin JSON content to IPFS. Request Body: { "pinataContent": { // Your JSON content }, "pinataMetadata": { "name": "metadata.json", "keyvalues": { "customKey": "customValue" } }, "pinataOptions": { "cidVersion": 1 } } Response: Same as Pin File to IPFS Pin By CID (Hash) POST /pinning/pinByHash Pin existing IPFS content by its CID. Request Body: { "hashToPin": "QmHash...", "pinataMetadata": { "name": "My Pinned Content", "keyvalues": { "customKey": "customValue" } }, "pinataOptions": { "groupId": "your-group-id", "hostNodes": [ "/ip4/hostnode/tcp/4001/p2p/nodeid" ] } } Response: { "id": "pin-job-id", "ipfsHash": "QmHash...", "status": "prechecking", "name": "My Pinned Content" } List Pin Jobs GET /pinning/pinJobs List all running pin-by-hash jobs. Query Parameters: - sort (string): "ASC" or "DESC" - status (string): Filter by status - "prechecking" - "retrieving" - "expired" - "over_free_limit" - "over_max_size" - "invalid_object" - "bad_host_node" - ipfs_pin_hash (string): Filter by CID - limit (integer): Results per page (default: 5, max: 1000) - offset (integer): Pagination offset Response: { "count": 10, "rows": [ { "id": "job-id", "ipfs_pin_hash": "QmHash...", "date_queued": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "name": "Pin Job Name", "status": "retrieving", "keyvalues": { "customKey": "customValue" }, "host_nodes": [ "/ip4/node/tcp/4001/p2p/nodeid" ], "pin_policy": { "regions": [ { "id": "US-EAST-1", "desiredReplicationCount": 1 } ], "version": 1 } } ] } Update File Metadata PUT /pinning/hashMetadata Update metadata for a pinned file. Request Body: { "ipfsPinHash": "QmHash...", "name": "Updated Name", "keyvalues": { "customKey": "newValue" } } Response: "OK" Unpin File DELETE /pinning/unpin/{CID} Remove a pinned file. Response: "OK" Data Management Test Authentication GET /data/testAuthentication Verify API credentials. Response: { "message": "Congratulations! You are communicating with the Pinata API!" } Get Data Usage GET /data/userPinnedDataTotal Get account storage statistics. Response: { "pin_count": 1000, "pin_size_total": 1234567, "pin_size_with_replications_total": 1234567 } List Files GET /data/pinList List all pinned files. Query Parameters: - includeCount (boolean) - cid (string): Filter by CID - groupId (string): Filter by group - pinStart (string): ISO 8601 date - pinEnd (string): ISO 8601 date - unpinStart (string): ISO 8601 date - unpinEnd (string): ISO 8601 date - pinSizeMin (string): Min size in bytes - pinSizeMax (string): Max size in bytes - status ("all"|"pinned"|"unpinned") - pageLimit (string): Results per page - pageOffset (string): Pagination offset - metadata (string): Metadata filters Response: { "rows": [ { "id": "file-id", "ipfs_pin_hash": "QmHash...", "size": 1234, "user_id": "user-id", "date_pinned": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "date_unpinned": null, "metadata": { "name": "filename", "keyvalues": { "customKey": "value" } }, "regions": [ { "regionId": "pinata", "currentReplicationCount": 1, "desiredReplicationCount": 1 } ], "mime_type": "text/plain", "number_of_files": 1 } ] } API Key Management Create API Key POST /v3/pinata/keys Create a new API key with specific permissions. Request Body: { "keyName": "My API Key", "permissions": { "admin": false, "endpoints": { "data": { "pinList": true, "userPinnedDataTotal": true }, "pinning": { "hashMetadata": true, "hashPinPolicy": true, "pinByHash": true, "pinFileToIPFS": true, "pinJSONToIPFS": true, "pinJobs": true, "unpin": true, "userPinPolicy": true } } }, "maxUses": 100 } Response: { "JWT": "jwt-token", "pinata_api_key": "key", "pinata_api_secret": "secret" } List API Keys GET /v3/pinata/keys List all API keys with optional filtering. Query Parameters: - revoked (boolean): Returns only API keys that have been revoked - limitedUse (boolean): Returns only API keys with a max_uses value set - exhausted (boolean): Can only be used with limitedUse=true. Returns only API keys that have hit their use limit - name (string): Returns API keys that match ilike on the name column - offset (number): Paginate through list of keys by offsetting results Response: { "keys": [ { "id": "d4ea5a38-4e0a-4126-8fd4-7534d258a995", "name": "My API Key", "key": "6270c5f4ed520756d498effbb6eb4b5f", "secret": "secretkey", "max_uses": 2, "uses": 2, "user_id": "32bd7147-51d5-4df2-8771-7aeb9dcac7a2", "scopes": { "endpoints": { "pinning": { "pinFileToIPFS": true, "pinJSONToIPFS": true } }, "admin": false }, "revoked": true, "createdAt": "2024-06-12T15:34:50.324Z", "updatedAt": "2024-06-12T15:34:51.204Z" } ], "count": 1 } Revoke API Key PUT /v3/pinata/keys/{key} Revoke an existing API key. Parameters: - key (path parameter): The API key to revoke Response: "Revoked" Error Handling The API uses standard HTTP status codes: - 200: Success - 400: Bad Request - 401: Unauthorized - 404: Not Found - 500: Internal Server Error Implement appropriate error handling and retries for network failures. Always validate inputs before making API calls. Best Practices 1. Always use environment variables for API keys 2. Implement proper error handling and retries 3. Validate all inputs before making API calls 4. Use appropriate content types for file uploads 5. Follow rate limiting guidelines 6. Properly handle pagination for list operations 7. Store CIDs securely for future reference 8. Consider implementing webhook handlers for job status updates IPFS SDK Install with npm i pinata-web3 Usage: import { PinataSDK } from "pinata-web3"; const pinata = new PinataSDK({ pinataJwt: process.env.PINATA_JWT!, pinataGateway: "" }); // Upload a file const file = new File(["hello"], "hello.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); const upload = await pinata.upload.file(file); // Upload JSON const json = await pinata.upload.json({ name: "My NFT", description: "An awesome NFT", image: "ipfs://Qm..." }); // Upload base64 const base64Upload = await pinata.upload .base64("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh") .addMetadata({ name: "hello.txt" }); // Upload multiple files const file1 = new File(["hello"], "hello1.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); const file2 = new File(["world"], "hello2.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); const multiUpload = await pinata.upload.fileArray([file1, file2]); // Upload stream const stream = fs.createReadStream("path/to/file"); const streamUpload = await; // Upload from URL const urlUpload = await pinata.upload.url(""); // All Upload Responses: // { // IpfsHash: "QmHash...", // PinSize: 1234, // Timestamp: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" // } // Pin existing CID const pin = await pinata.upload.cid("QmHash..."); // Response: // { // id: "pin-job-id", // ipfsHash: "QmHash...", // status: "prechecking", // name: "My Pinned Content" // } // Fetch file data const data = await pinata.gateways.get("QmHash..."); // Response: // { // data: "file contents", // contentType: "text/plain" // } // List files const files = await pinata.listFiles() .name("my-file") .pageLimit(100); // Response: // { // rows: [{ // id: "file-id", // ipfs_pin_hash: "QmHash...", // size: 1234, // user_id: "user-id", // date_pinned: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", // metadata: { // name: "filename", // keyvalues: {} // } // }] // } // Unpin files const unpin = await pinata.unpin([ "bafkreih5aznjvttude6c3wbvqeebb6rlx5wkbzyppv7garjiubll2ceym4" ]); // Response: // [{ // hash: "QmHash...", // status: "unpinned" // }] // Update metadata const updateMetadata = await pinata.updateMetadata({ cid: "bafkreih5aznjvttude6c3wbvqeebb6rlx5wkbzyppv7garjiubll2ceym4", name: "Updated Name", keyValues: { customKey: "newValue" } }); // Response: "OK" // Create API key const key = await pinata.keys.create({ keyName: "My Key", permissions: { admin: true } }); // Response: // { // JWT: "jwt-token", // pinata_api_key: "key", // pinata_api_secret: "secret" // } // Create group const group = await pinata.groups.create({ name: "My New Group" }); // Response: // { // id: "group-id", // user_id: "user-id", // name: "My New Group", // updatedAt: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", // createdAt: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" // } // Delete group const deleteGroup = await pinata.groups.delete({ groupId: "3778c10d-452e-4def-8299-ee6bc548bdb0" }); // Response: "OK" // Get group info const groupInfo = await pinata.groups.get({ groupId: "3778c10d-452e-4def-8299-ee6bc548bdb0" }); // Response: // { // id: "group-id", // user_id: "user-id", // name: "Group Name", // updatedAt: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", // createdAt: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" // } // List groups const groups = await pinata.groups .list() .name("Test Group") .limit(10); // Response: // [{ // id: "group-id", // user_id: "user-id", // name: "Test Group", // updatedAt: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", // createdAt: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" // }] // Add CIDs to group const addCids = await pinata.groups.addCids({ groupId: "3778c10d-452e-4def-8299-ee6bc548bdb0", cids: ["QmVLwvmGehsrNEvhcCnnsw5RQNseohgEkFNN1848zNzdng"] }); // Response: "OK" // Remove CIDs from group const removeCids = await pinata.groups.removeCids({ groupId: "3778c10d-452e-4def-8299-ee6bc548bdb0", cids: ["QmVLwvmGehsrNEvhcCnnsw5RQNseohgEkFNN1848zNzdng"] }); // Response: "OK" // Update group const updateGroup = await pinata.groups.update({ groupId: "3778c10d-452e-4def-8299-ee6bc548bdb0", name: "Updated Group Name" }); // Response: // { // id: "group-id", // user_id: "user-id", // name: "Updated Group Name", // updatedAt: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", // createdAt: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" // } // Add signature const addSig = await pinata.signatures.add({ cid: "QmXGeVy9dVwfuFJmvbzz8y4dYK1TdxXbDGzwbNuyZ5xXSU", signature: "0x1b...911b" }); // Response: // { // cid: "QmHash...", // signature: "0x1b...911b" // } // Delete signature const deleteSig = await pinata.signatures.delete( "QmXGeVy9dVwfuFJmvbzz8y4dYK1TdxXbDGzwbNuyZ5xXSU" ); // Response: "OK" // Get signature const getSig = await pinata.signatures.get( "QmXGeVy9dVwfuFJmvbzz8y4dYK1TdxXbDGzwbNuyZ5xXSU" ); // Response: // { // cid: "QmHash...", // signature: "0x1b...911b" // }